Kremlin considers “Russian threat” rhetoric NATO propaganda


Head of the Kremlin administration Sergey Ivanov says the information about alleged threats from Russia towards the Baltic countries is propaganda, the aim of which is to gain political and economic dividends. He has pointed to violation of the Russia-NATO basic approaches to relations in the alliance’s intentions to deploy additional forces in those countries.




“This is propaganda from beginning to end. I would say rough propaganda,” Ivanov said in an interview with the Vesti on Saturday weekly television program. “Authors (of claims of the kind) must have looked at maps of World War II to see how the Soviet Army was attacking across Suwalki, and as if nothing has changed, as a scientific and pseudo-scientific reason put it on the table.”


Statements of the kind emerge from a poor economic situation in the Baltic countries and the fleeing of people there.


“What is to be done? A well-known recipe: shout at the top of your voice about Russia’s upcoming attack, as it is only dreaming about enslaving the Baltic countries,” Ivanov said.


With such policies, NATO may draw additional forces to the countries.


“What would mean even one battalion or one brigade at a new location? Hundreds new jobs. Additional revenues. It is profitable economically,” he said.


The rotation basis of deployment, announced by NATO, violates the basic approaches in relations with Russia, he said.


“Well, what’s the difference: whether you have one unit permanently or it is being replaced every six months,” he continued. “So to say, for example, there were Spaniards, and then come the Portuguese. They arrived right the day following the Spaniards leave. The combat readiness is not affected. Changing the order of the addends does not change the sum, you know the rule from school lessons”.