Syria: ISIS terrorists kill 36 civilians near Syrian city of Manbij


The Daesh terrorists killed 36 civilians from the town of Ghandoura near the city of Manbij in the Aleppo governorate.


Manbij area


Most victims are said to be women and children.


The source said that the Daesh terrorists were dressed in the uniform of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to carry out a sudden attack on the Military Council of Manbij.


Residents of Ghandoura greeted the terrorists thinking they were SDF fighters. The militants killed everybody who greeted them – a total of 36 people, according to the source.


The source added that on June 6 a similar incident occurred in a village north of Manbij without specifying the number of victims of that attack. 


Syrian Democratic Forces have completely surrounded Daesh-held city of Manbij in Syria’s Aleppo region, a Kurdish commander told Sputnik on Friday. Manbij, located between Raqqa and the Syrian-Turkish border, is a strategically important area for the group.


In late May, the SDF troops announced an offensive operation against the Islamic State group. One of the goals of the operation supported by the US-led coalition is to liberate the city of Manbij.


The US-Russian brokered ceasefire entered into force on ceasefire agreement came into force across Syria on February 27. Terrorist organizations such the Deash and the Nusra Front, both outlawed in Russia, are excluded from the truce.