Divided as they may seem, Poland’s many political parties have always been one on the same page when it comes to patriotism and national security. One example of this is the recently enacted law, which paves the way for a foreign troop presence in the country, Joseph Croitoru wrote in Saturday’s issue of FAZ.
Against the backdrop of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Warsaw is demanding a greater NATO and US military presence in the country.
The unprecedented pro-NATO campaign being held in Polish schools familiarizes the children with details of NATO’s military operations abroad and with various aspects of its war on terror. The program also encourages school goers to decide how best to deploy a NATO military base in their particular region.
“It has also become customary in Polish schools to organize anti-Communist shows where schoolchildren use toys and sometimes even real weapons, albeit charged with blanks, as well as smoke guns,” the newspaper wrote.
The National Remembrance Fund has proposed holding all kinds of patriotic sports events. The Freedom Fund, sponsored by President Andrzej Duda, holds annual races commemorating Polish insurgents who fought the Soviet Army during WWII.
Mock battles with imitation guns and period uniforms are even staged in small villages across the country where brave Poles fight “Soviet invaders” eventually “killing” them all.
“Military organizations are all too happy to send their weapons experts to take part in such ‘battles,’” the newspaper wrote.
Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party has long advocated for NATO’s greater presence in the country using the unsubstantiated claims of Russia’s supposedly aggressive behavior as an excuse.
High-ranking officials, including President Andrzej Duda and Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski urged the alliance to station allied forces and create permanent military bases in the country.