Churkin: Turkey Supply ISIS with Bombs


Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vitaliy Churkin, sent an official letter to the UN Secretary General, listing companies as Gultas Kimya, Marikem Kimyevi Ve Endüstriyel Urunler, Metkim, EKM Gübre, and Diversey Kimya, as companies which provide logistical support to ISIS, Al Masdar reported.




Russia provided the document showing these companies supplied the ISIS with aluminum powder, ammonia nitrate, granulated car amide and hydrogen peroxide.


“Analysis of the main chemical components of the explosive compositions which were retaken from the terrorists near the cities of Tikrit, Iraq, and Kobani, Syria, as well as further identification of the producing companies showed that they were either made in Turkey or supplied there without right of reexport,” Vitaliy Churkin pointed out.


“These facts demonstrate that the Turkish authorities are deliberately involved in ISIS activities, as they are providing access to components for improvised explosive devices that are being widely used to commit terrorist acts,” the Russian envoy said.


A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman referred to the letter as “the most recent example of Russia’s propaganda campaign against Turkey, and as such it cannot be taken seriously.”


Turkey has on multiple occasions been accused of aiding and abetting militant groups operating in Syria with reports saying that Ankara actively trains and arms militants there, and facilitates their safe passage into the Syria. Ankara has also been accused of buying smuggled oil from ISIS.