Milo Djukanovic’s signature on the protocol of accession Montenegro into to NATO is a shameful betrayal of the descendants of the glorious ancestors, and especially the victims who were killed in a bombing on his aiming. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive interview with News Front by Gojko Raicevic, chairman of the movement “No to War – No NATO” in Montenegro.
In 1998, Milo Djukanovic voted in the Supreme Defence Council in Belgrade for the protection of the country, shortly afterwards he met with the command of the NATO bloc in Belgrade, and then requested to hit his country.
“In the movement “No to War – No NATO” we sharply condemn the signing of this document, which symbolizes betrayal, death, and we will repeat once again: the NATO boots on our land are boots of the occupier, not a liberator”, said Gojko Raicevic.
“The signing of this protocol is Djukanovic’s game with Montenegrins fate with still unclear consequences that eventually will reap the prime minister. We call on the citizens of Montenegro to resist. We also are obliged to this by the message of St. Peter of Cetinje, who cursed each Montenegrin who renounces allegiance to Mother Russia”, said chairman of the movement “No to War – No NATO” in Montenegro.
“Our struggle for a free and democratic referendum on accession into NATO is the most important question”, stressed Gojko Raicevic.