Poland: Large anti-government protest in favor of EU


Thousands of people marched Saturday in central Warsaw to show their opposition to the policies of the conservative government which they view as anti-democratic and harmful to Poland’s position in the European Union.


People march during an anti-government demonstration organized by main opposition parties in Warsaw, Poland May 7, 2016
People march during an anti-government demonstration organized by main opposition parties in Warsaw, Poland May 7, 2016


The march was held under the motto “We are and will remain in Europe” and comes just days after the 12th anniversary of Poland joining the EU.


It was organized by the opposition party Civic Platform and the civic group Committee for the Defense of Democracy, known in Poland as KOD.


Meanwhile, a counter-protest was also taking place in Warsaw Saturday in a show of support for Law and Justice, whose leaders argue that they have a right to make deep changes in Polish society because they won elections last year.


The party remains popular and many of its supporters object to the anti-government protests that have been held over past months, accusing organizers of trying to destabilize Poland.