Germany: Merkel Party at weakest point since 2011


German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party rating continues to plummet. It has reached the lowest level since 2011, according to the results of citizens’ survey conducted by the Infratest dimap company. 


Christian Democratic Union received only 33% of support from the German citizens. Experts note that the popularity of the chancellor and her party began to wane rapidly in the second half of last year. The reasons are immigration crisis and the recent outbreak of the scandal with the journalist Jan Böhmermann.


Recall that the anchorman during his show read a poem containing insulting replicas to the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In a related move the latter appealed to the German Prosecutor General’s Office and personally to the German authorities demanding to launch criminal investigations against journalist. Merkel has decided to meet the demands of Erdogan, for which reason the row erupted as many citizens saw this as a violation of freedom of speech.