The development of the Crimean Peninsula will now be held under the brand of «friendly Crimea». This was stated by the head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov at the ceremonial meeting of the regionalParliament, devoted to the second anniversary of the all-Crimean referendum, the results of which the Peninsula became part of Russia.
«We have the brand «Polite people» symbol of the Crimean spring, — quotes the Agency«Kryminform». — The brand of «friendly Crimea» should become not only a symbol of Crimean hospitality, but also a sign of quality in all spheres of our lives.»
One of the main directions of development of the Crimea Aksenov called the tourism sector, bring in the regional budget the lion’s share of tax revenues. The head of Republic recognised that the level of service and price — quality local resorts while not up to international standards, reports TASS.
«It is important for us to develop such areas in which the Crimea is traditionally strong in which we have a strong Foundation or potential. I mean medical, historical, gastronomic, event, extreme tourism,» — said Aksenov.
According to him, Crimea should «be well aware that our tourism product would be competitive only if camper will be surrounded by not only a high level of service, but overall friendly atmosphere.»
Aksenov believes that in the near future of Crimea must become «self-sufficient, prosperous» region of Russia. «It is our strategic goal», — he concluded.
The day of the referendum for Aksenov is comparable to the Victory Day
Day of the above-mentioned referendum in Crimea held on 16 March 2014, Aksyonov compared in importance with the Day of Victory in the great Patriotic war, celebrated on may 9.
«For me personally, this day is the most important holiday in the Republic of Crimea along with the Victory Day, he said to journalists before the start of the festive procession in Simferopol to mark the anniversary of the referendum. Is our achievement that we have achieved».
In February, the authorities of Crimea announced a charity raising funds for the installation of the monument «friendly people» — servicemen of the Russian army who were present on the Peninsula during the referendum for joining Russia.
At first the Russian authorities did not recognize it, but in April 2014 President Putin during a straight line, answering the question about young men with military bearing in the Crimea, whom they called polite «green men», confirmed that these were Russian soldiers.
In September 2014, the deputies proposed to introduce a new holiday — Day of polite people. However later this idea was abandoned after 26 February 2015 Putin signed a decree establishing a similar holiday — Day special operations forces.
The expression «polite people» has become a popular and firmly entrenched in political and everyday vocabulary. It was reported about the appearance of war machines called «friendly vehicles», as well as the emergence in the Russian army of the new event — «month of politeness». The Ministry of defense in may 2014 launched a line of clothing under the brand «Polite people», the Ministry also penned the eponymous hymn, is dedicated to the reunification of Crimea and Russia.
Some popular t-shirts depicting Russian leader Vladimir Putin and inscription «Most polite President.» And the appearance of «little green men» from Russia after the Crimean events began to be afraid of in the territory of neighbouring States, in particular in Finland and the former republics of the Soviet Baltic States.