Edward Snowden: For 10 years the US surveillance program could not find a single terrorist


Former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden said that the United States had used terrorism as excuse of spying upon lawyers, journalists, the United Nations Children’s Fund, etc.


“Those programs were not related to terrorism. It was the warrant. It was a diplomatic manipulation, economic espionage and social control. It was the power, and there is no doubt that the mass spying strengthens the state power”, – TASS quoted the former US intelligence officer.


Snowden has also stressed that the US surveillance program did not prevent any terrorist attack and not even helped “in the investigation of the terrorist acts”. 


“In the past ten years we could not find a single terrorist due to those programs”, – said Snowden.


According to a former intelligence agent, spying upon the Americans in the United States “still continues” and “it became more aggressive and invading (privacy – RT), than ever before”.