The atmosphere at the election of the CDU meeting in Bad Kreuznach began to heat up as soon as Merkel spoke of the migration crisis: “We would like to significantly reduce the amount entering the country (refugees) The question is, how do we fix this policy the Chancellor offered yield – to.. this you first need to eliminate the root cause of the mass exodus of citizens from Syria, but the enthusiasm of the audience it did not cause it, the article says.
“Despite the respect that Merkel have a” world leader “, and despite her assurances that Germany will be able to cope with the migration crisis, the voters, including members of her party, ready to punish Chancellor for what she thinks too much about everything the world, and too little – for Germany, “- emphasizes the newspaper.
According to recent opinion polls, more than 80% of Germans believe that the Merkel government “lost control” of the crisis, adds The Independent. The Conservatives would like to see the Chancellor followed the example of the Austrian authorities and the Balkans and closed the border to refugees, but Merkel has made it clear that deviate from the chosen path is not going to.
Of the biggest beneficiaries prevailing political situation in the country can benefit from the Eurosceptics’ Alternative for Germany “, says the newspaper. For example, not so long ago they offered to shoot illegal immigrants approaching the country’s borders. In East Germany, the party can count on 20% of the vote.
“Merkel has gone too far in the issue of refugees, this nut we were not too tough I really fear for the future of Germany <…> I’m for it.. [Merkel – Ed.]. No longer vote Can Vote even.” Alternative for Germany “they at least have a clear understanding of the problem of refugees” – the newspaper quoted one of the voters.
According to various estimates, the CDU could lose more than three thousand members because of dissatisfaction with the policy of the party in the migration crisis, the newspaper notes. Dozens of local-level officials, who had to deal with a large influx of migrants in their cities, Merkel bombarded with angry letters. Before Merkel’s visit in Rhineland-Palatinate, the local branch of the party feared that the Chancellor’s arrival could deter voters. In eastern Germany, where the strong position of eurosceptics during Angela Merkel will campaign only once.
As a key figure for the political future of Merkel’s edition highlights the Prime Minister of Bavaria and Chairman of the “Christian Social Union” Horst Seehofer. If Merkel will not be able to conclude an agreement with Turkey and stop the flow of migrants, Seehofer can move from threats to business and apply for government action in the Constitutional Court.
“From such a course of coalition government, and along with Merkel, can go to the bottom”, – concludes the British newspaper.