Finland: Immigration threat report


A fresh government issued report on how immigration could affect Finland is not terribly optimistic, according to newspaper Huvfudstadsbladet.


The report says a worst case scenario would be that tens or hundreds of thousands of refugees would arrive to the country.


Sweden is taken as an example of how things could go wrong, in regard to immigration policy. The report claims there are 55 geographical areas in southern and central Sweden which are already considered “significantly unsafe” due to criminal networks and organised crime.


“No European country’s societal peace and economy could survive continued, rampant immigration. The developments in bigger Swedish cities and political turnaround in the autumn of 2015 is a sign of that,” the newspaper quoted the report.


The report predicts similar developments in Finland, the paper writes.


The report reiterates a previously government-stated estimate that there are nearly 300 people in Finland with links to terrorism already.


Several central government officials are behind the report, which was coordinated the Police University College at the request of the Council of State, HBL reports.