The Ukrainian party deployed to the contact line with the LPR in the Novoaydarsky area a group of the Polish mercenaries, numbering up to 40 people. It was reported today by the Deputy Chief of the LPR People’s Militia Corps Igor Yashchenko.
‘In the Novoaydarsky area there was registered arrival of the Polish mercenaries, numbering up to 40 people. They are getting down on 4 cars Toyota Tundra’, he reported.
‘On the sides of their cars there were in the form of a jackal and a wolf paw, and on their uniform there were chevrons consisting of red-white strips, most likely, a flag of Poland, but without inscriptions,’ added the Deputy Chief of Corps.
‘Also according to our intelligence information it became known that to the territory of our Republic, bypassing a check point near the locality of the Lugansk Village, under the guise of local population there was planned infiltration of the enemy’s sabotage-reconnaissance groups’, pointed out the representative of the People’s Militia.