Lawsuit Filed Against Merkel in Constitutional Court of Germany


The migration policy of the German Chancellor has caused not only mass street protests of citizens. A few lawyers collectively filed a lawsuit against the initiatives of migrants against the current government of Germany at the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe.


Yesterday, on January 22nd, the magazine Der Spiegel wrote about this. In a statement, six lawyers indicated a violation of “their voting rights” and a violation of the right to participate “in the democratic process of decision making”.


The lawsuit demanded to recognize the decision of Angela Merkel from 4th September 2015, making the country’s borders open to refugees, contrary to the basic law of the FRG. However, declaring the decision of Merkel unconstitutional does not to apply the rules of the Dublin agreements, as well as the German laws on asylum and the right to stay.


“The Chancellor, in pursuing her policy, has no right to go beyond the laws that the voters have dictated to her by the Parliament”, — said the author of the claim Clemens Antweiler, a lawyer from Düsseldorf. In his opinion, Merkel can be called a “recidivist” because she didn’t adhere to the letter of the German and European laws and earlier, for example, during the “energy transition” (the decision to phase out nuclear power. — Ed.) and overcome the Euro crisis.