In the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica last night had been held a mass celebration of the Old (Orthodox or Serbian) New Year. And as planned, the festival was held under the slogans against NATO membership.
The action was organized by the Democratic Front which brought together a wide range of opposition parties and civil society organizations. The basis of the event was entertainment show and music concert. But even a festive day was used by the Montenegrins as an opportunity to express their protest against the potential membership in a hostile military alliance. There were many posters with an appropriate callings, as well as the flags of Serbia and Russia on the square where the celebrations were held on. In addition, during the festival was launched sign in for a petition against the decision of the authorities on the accession to the military bloc. Organizers insist on holding a referendum on the issue, told News Front correspondent in Montenegro. Signatures collection continues up to date.
It is expected that in the end of January anti-NATO and anti-government demonstrations will be resumed in Podgorica.