The recent poll conducted by German web platform, Alles Schall und Rauch, asked more than 3,000 of its readers from Germany and 40 other countries to determine the world’s “liar of the year.”
More than 39 percent of those surveyed crowned the German chancellor with the “liar of the year” title.
Over 21 percent of those polled also said the US president deserved to be called the liar of 2015, while the Turkish president received 18 percent of the votes.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko also secured 8 and 7.8 percent of the votes, respectively.
On the contrary, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, were classed as honest policy-makers, gaining only 0.03 and 0.10 percent of the votes, respectively.
French President Francois Hollande, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Russian President Vladimir Putin were further among those classified as honest policymakers.
The findings come less than a week after the New York-based Time magazine named Merkel its Person of the Year, citing her encouragement of other countries to open their borders to refugees and her determination to lead Europe through the Greek debt crisis this summer.