Turkish Air Force Avoids Violating Syrian Airspace After the Arrival of the Russian S-400 Missiles


The Turkish Air Force has decided to avoid Syrian airspace amid the recent arrival of the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to the port of Latakia City; this news, coupled with the aggressive airstrikes by the Russian Air Force along the Turkish border, has forced Turkey to take prudent measures to ease tensions with the Russian Federation after they downed the latter’s SU-24 fighter jet above northern Latakia earlier this week.


To contrast the Turkish military policy, the Russian Air Force amplified the number of airstrikes along the Turkish border on Saturday, striking the Turkish backed Islamist rebels at the Aleppo border-city of ‘Azaz and inside the Turkmen Mountains of northern Latakia.


According to a field report from the Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions), the Russian Air Force violated Turkish airspace at least five times on Saturday; this provocation was met with no response from the Turkish Military Command, despite previously willing to shoot down a Russian fighter jet that threatened ground allies in Syria.


Currently, both countries are experiencing diplomatic turmoil; especially, the Turkish government, who has been repeatedly trying to reach the Russian Federation’s government in order to ease tensions after their unwarranted military aggression inside of the Syrian province of Latakia.


Al Masdar