foreign mercenaries

The number of conflicts involving foreign mercenaries is increasing in the ranks of the AFU
19.09.2023, 11:31
Media reports death of French mercenaries in Ukraine
26.04.2023, 11:29
The militants of the Foreign Legion were not ready for real combat clashes with the Russian Army
22.04.2023, 12:37
Russian soldier eliminated a sniper from Poland
16.03.2023, 15:31
Another Western media drew attention to the abundance of foreign fighters in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
09.03.2023, 14:14
Footage of the command of an English-speaking mercenary with a platoon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared on the Web
08.03.2023, 18:26
PMC Wagner Head says U.S. mercenary Reed killed by Ukrainian militants
16.02.2023, 19:42
Russian sniper from Yakutia eliminated two foreign mercenaries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
13.02.2023, 11:02
Austrian colonel told how NATO soldiers get to Ukraine
08.02.2023, 10:54
Mercenary threatens to publish data on corruption and theft in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
23.01.2023, 10:36
Polish Health Ministry let slip about the arrival of wounded Polish militants from the territory of Ukraine
11.01.2023, 12:53
Media: Polish mercenaries who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine risk going to prison for 5 years
09.12.2022, 15:11