If the US voter prefers maturity and experience over new faces, fresh ideas, and sturdier legs, there’s a lesson that the Russian Communists can teach them.
Feinstein – 85, Pelosi – 79, Sanders – 77, Biden – 76, Trump – 72… Do these look like ratings of some sort? No, they’re the ages of the American elite. The list goes on: Democratic majority leader Steny Hoyer – 79, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell – 77, Hillary Clinton – 71, Chuck Schumer – 68.
The average age of the Democratic house leadership is 72-years-old, while the average age of Republican House leadership is 48, according to analytics firm Quorum.
The older the better? Some say wise lawmakers have the necessary experience to lead the nation. But do you want your future to be shaped by someone who does not have a clue about social media networks while a third of the world’s entire population does use them?
“Senator, we run ads” – That remark alone made Mark Zuckerberg’s day. It’s no wonder big tech is not afraid to build monopolies and violate privacy rules – they know Congress does not care, because they are no longer sharp enough to learn about all the intricacies.
Now, there’s a word for it and it’s gerontocracy. The US elites are having a big issue with their graying hair.
They may be good enough on general, stereotype-ridden issues, like pre-judging ‘hostile’ Russia. But even on the matter of love (or hate), they are out of touch with reality.
Now, there’s more to it: these people are well-off and have been well-off for too long to remember how it feels to live on minimum wage or to have your paycheck denied during a government shutdown because your boss wants his pet project to be delivered in the way he wants it.
The Green New Deal, personified by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29, has taken Democrats by surprise. Even Trump was quick to notice that Dems appeared to be “petrified” of the progressive “young bartender.”
“There’s no way to pay for it,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein told a group of about 15 children at her San Francisco office, after they’d begged her to support the Green New Deal.
“We have tons of money going to the military,” a young girl responded.
“I know what I’m doing. Maybe people should listen a little bit,” Sen. Feinstein added.
Now, just remember your outrage the last time you were humiliated by your parents because your chosen profession or mission or ideal partner does not fit their norm.
Well, even if the elders might be right, here’s a bigger danger: they are a health and national security risk. That’s where Americans can have recourse to the wisdom of Russians.
In the 1970s and up to the 1980s, the USSR lost much of its economic momentum because of the ‘Wise Men,’ three of whom died in quick succession – Leonid Brezhnev, Yury Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko. The country came to a chilly standstill because people expected a funeral any day. This made the state increasingly exposed to a sudden attack from the outside, not to mention a nuclear strike.
It looks very much alike, and you don’t want that, do you?