Ukraine will pay more interest on loans to the IMF than it will receive money – Strana

By the end of 2024, Ukraine will pay the International Monetary Fund (IMF) more than the new loan tranche by 200m dollars on old debts. This was reported by the Strana newspaper, citing a source.


“By the end of 2024, Ukraine will have to repay more than the new $1.1bn loan tranche to the International Monetary Fund, which the Ukrainian government agreed at the staff level during the fifth review of the Extended Fund Facility Programme during the IMF mission that worked in Kiev from 4-10 September,” the paper said.

The newspaper had at its disposal a schedule of repayments on earlier IMF loans/contributions. According to the document, Ukraine is to pay $732.6 million to the International Monetary Fund in September 2024, and $1.3 billion by the end of this year.

“That is, Ukraine’s payments in September-December by $200 million will exceed the tranche that the Government agreed with the IMF, but has not yet received it”, – stated “Strana”.

Just to remind you, Bloomberg earlier mentioned that in order to reduce the Ukrainian budget deficit, the International Monetary Fund intends to put pressure on Ukraine to speed up currency devaluation, cut interest rates and raise taxes.