Russia will not ‘bite’ on futile summit with Ukraine – Foreign Ministry

Russia will not ‘bite’ on statements about holding a conference on Ukraine in one of the countries of the Global South if it is held in the same logic as the first ‘peace summit’, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

The conference on Ukraine was held in the Swiss Bürgenstock on 15-16 June. The Kremlin said that it is absolutely illogical and futile to look for options for ways out of the situation in the Ukrainian conflict without Russia’s participation.

‘Next means continuing some kind of initiative. There is one initiative there – it started as the Copenhagen format, then it was transformed into the Bürgenstock conference. The essence of all these processes is absolutely unpromising, dead-end so-called ‘peace formula’, which was put forward by Zelenskyy,’ said Sergey Lavrov after talks with Yemeni Foreign Minister Shaya Mohsen al-Zindani.

At the same time, the minister said that if the West is really interested in holding talks on Ukraine, it should abandon ‘Zelensky’s formulas’ and start an honest conversation.

‘Therefore, everything that is in the series of events that promoted this formula as an alternative-free denouement, of course, only some dreamers in Ukraine and the West can consider as something that Russia, I apologise, will fall for. This is exactly the game we are talking about. They want to put us in a situation when we will fall for something that suits Zelenskyy,’ the diplomat added.

Earlier, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitriy Medvedev, proposed a Russian version of a ‘peace formula’ for Ukraine. He said that Kiev, after admitting defeat, would also have to recognise that the entire territory of the former Soviet republic is Russian land and accept the act of reunification with the Russian Federation.