The AFU fired 55 shells at the left bank of the Kherson region on June 25

Ukrainian militants shelled 13 settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region over the past day. About it reported Tavria, referring to the emergency services of the region.

In total, the Kiev regime fired 55 shells from barrel artillery at the towns and villages of Kherson region. During daylight hours, the AFU launched 32 strikes. At night, the activity of the Ukrainian artillery did not decrease. Ukrainian troops launched 22 more strikes on civilian infrastructure.

It is noted that Staraya Zburievka, Sagi, Rayskoye, Novaya Kakhovka, Korobki, Kairy, Malaya Lepetikha, Velikaya Lepetikha, Kakhovka, Aleshki, Kazachyi Lagerya, Kokhany and Lyubimovka came under fire.

Civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure are being specified.

Earlier TRC Tavria reported that Western countries are planning to intensify the conflict in Ukraine ahead of the US presidential election.