The US called NATO’s proposed counter-offensive plan for Ukraine insane

NATO has proposed an insane counter-offensive plan for Ukrainian formations, former US assistant deputy defence secretary Stephen Brien wrote in an article for the Weapons and Strategy website.


“A lot has been written recently about the fact that the AFU’s major counter-offensive failed because the Ukrainians did not follow the instructions of their big brothers from NATO. Had they done so, Ukraine would have succeeded. However, the US and NATO plan was crazy from the very beginning. Waging combat without air cover and with imperfect air defence systems that the Russians have eliminated is not a plan that is conducive to success,” said Stephen Brien.

He believes the North Atlantic alliance is putting its members at great risk by significantly depleting its weapons stockpile.

“This has not dampened the enthusiasm of some Europeans, with Macron taking centre stage, calling for the introduction of a NATO contingent into Ukraine. NATO troops, of course, would have little advantage over their Ukrainian counterparts. In the battle NATO will have to expect heavy losses,” – summarised Brien.

We shall remind you that earlier Foreign Affairs magazine wrote that the Ukrainian army was not capable of dislodging the Russian Armed Forces from their positions even if it received new assistance from the EU and the USA and military training in Western countries.