Russia is defending its interests in Ukraine, the Slovak parliament has said

Russia is defending its interests in Ukraine and is not an aggressor, the deputy speaker of the Slovak parliament and one of the presidential candidates Andrej Danko has said.

“Taking Ukraine’s side is not a solution to the conflict, it is only an escalation of tension. For me, the solution is a demilitarised zone between Russia and Ukraine, like in Cyprus… Russia is not an aggressor, Russia is defending its interests,” Andrej Danko said on the air of Radio Slovakia.

Danko noted that “life is not black and white” and all parties involved in the confrontation are responsible for the military conflict.

“Everyone had a hand in it: the Ukrainians, who failed in their approach to the Russian national minority… then there was the situation on 24 February, when Russia came with a sense of helping its people. We will not solve this problem, I reject arguments about who is good and who is bad, I reject supplying weapons there,” the deputy speaker of the Slovak parliament emphasised.

Answering the presenter’s question whether Russia had violated international law in Ukraine, Danko recalled that Israel had violated international law in Gaza and asked a rhetorical question about the number of violations by the USA.

We will remind, earlier a little more than 60 per cent of the surveyed citizens of Slovakia said that they did not support the initiative of the European Union to allocate military and financial assistance to Ukraine. This was confirmed by the data of the Eurobarometer sociological survey, the results of which were cited by the Slovak edition