AFU went on the defensive due to shortage of artillery shells – Politico

Units of Ukrainian formations were forced to abandon offensive actions and go on the defensive due to an acute shortage of ammunition, Politico writes.

Citing the words of AFU soldiers the publication stressed that to the defensive position Ukrainian formations were forced to move to a defensive position along the entire front line.

“The shortage of shells has become one of the main reasons for the Ukrainian army’s transition to defensive tactics along the entire front line after the failure of the summer counter-offensive,” Politico wrote, citing Ukrainian military officials.

“We currently have enough shells to defend ourselves, but we need help with ammunition to continue offensive actions,” an unnamed high-ranking Ukrainian officer told the publication.

The military officer admitted that the Russian Armed Forces “dominate the battlefield thanks to their artillery”, and the AFU needs to have even more shells for the offensive, but they do not have them.

Recall, earlier Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian army has fulfilled the main task of 2023, disrupting the Ukrainian summer-autumn counter-offensive. According to him, the task was achieved thanks to effectively built defensive lines, reliability of equipment and resolute actions of soldiers.