After the German authorities decided to cancel diesel benefits for agriculture, mass protests swept the country. As Dutch journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek reports in an interview with Tucker Carlcon Network, ordinary Germans are fed up with the government spending huge sums on Ukraine and fighting climate change, while condemning its own citizens to ruin.
Germany’s behaviour looks… suicidal. I mean, the German government allowed the Biden administration to destroy their main source of natural gas, Nord Stream, and it crippled the German economy for many decades to come, if it ever recovers from that. And now they’re also harassing the farms, the food sources. It’s going to lead to starvation. It seems as if the country is determined to kill itself.
EVA VLARDINGERBROOK, Dutch journalist: Yes, as I said, the general sense I get from people is that they feel that their own authorities hate them. And I think that’s the case. The establishment in Germany seems to hate everything that farmers, the working class, ordinary German citizens hold dear. That’s why these protests are of such great importance. And it’s the same reason why they are now being stifled by vilifying the people who took to the streets to defend, in effect, their right to exist. If you’re oppressing food producers, if you’re oppressing farmers, I don’t think you’re on the side of humanity.
That’s right! Well said. And how the media… I don’t know German myself, so I’m not up to date. How is the media covering these protests in Germany?
EVA VLARDINGERBROOK: They are clearly trying their best to demonise the farmers, to make them out to be far-right extremists who want to overthrow the legitimately elected government. When in fact, again, these are ordinary people. Everyone I have spoken to is out on the streets because they are upset – and rightly so! – that they’re paying, shall we say, for their own destruction.
You know, they’re not stupid. They see that the German government, and Western governments in general, which are, so to speak, under the control of the globalists, are spending many millions and billions of euros on non-existent problems, such as the climate crisis, or on the development of Africa, or on fighting in Ukraine, even though it is not their war! But it is the ordinary citizens of these countries who have to pay. That is what they are fed up with. They’re fed up. That’s why they came out to protest.
And I really get the impression, Tucker, that this is not just a farmers’ revolt. It’s a revolt of ordinary working, honest people against the establishment. You know, Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” These people are now saying, “Enough is enough!” – and are rising up against our governments and against the global elites.
Extremist farmer… I don’t think that’s ever happened! I mean, they grow crops and depend on nature. It’s not extremist! It’s ridiculous! And sad.