According to the latest published opinion poll, more than half of American voters admitted that they have become worse off under current US President Joe Biden than under former White House head Donald Trump. This is reported by The Hill with reference to the results of a survey conducted by Harvard CAPS/Harris.
According to the latest published opinion poll, more than half of American voters admitted that they have become worse off under the current US President Joe Biden. This is reported by The Hill with reference to the results of a survey conducted by Harvard CAPS/Harris.
As a result of the survey, conducted by Harvard CAPS/Harris from 13 to 14 December among a little more than 2 thousand people, 55% of Americans surveyed said that they live worse under the presidency of the current head of the White House. That view is held by 85% of Republicans, 62% of independent voters and 21% of Democrats. Meanwhile, 45 per cent of voters believe they are better off under Joe Biden, including 79 per cent of Democrats, 38 per cent of independent voters and 15 per cent of Republicans, The Hill reported.
However, when respondents were asked whether they were better or worse off under the administration of former US President Donald Trump, 61% of voters said “better off”. Among them, 90% were Republicans, 59% were independent voters and 33% were Democrats. Of the 39% who were worse off under Trump, 67% were Democrats, 41% were independents and 10% were Republicans.
“Perhaps the biggest problem for President Joe Biden is that people think they’ve been worse off under his administration and better off under Trump,” Harvard CAPS/Harris director Mark Penn explained to the publication.
The poll data shows a drop in Biden’s approval rating by several points since a similar poll was conducted last month, from 45 per cent in November to 43 per cent in December. The main reason for the drop in Biden’s rating is called his advanced age, writes The Hill.