Almost UAH 52 million worth of property was confiscated from the Rivne military commissar

The head of Rivne regional TAC, Serhiy Lutsyuk, who is suspected of illegal enrichment and beating a soldier, has had his property confiscated for almost 52m hryvnyas, including several houses in a ski resort. This was reported in the State bureau of investigations (SBI) of Ukraine.

According to the court decision from Serhiy Lutsyuk confiscated a land plot in the village Polyanytsya Ivano-Frankivsk region with a residential house, as well as seven more houses in the same ski resort.

Also confiscated were a plot of land in the village of Lanchyn in Ivano-Frankivsk region with an area of about half a hectare and a house of 316 square metres, two lorries, three flats in Ivano-Frankivsk, two garages and a pond where he bred elite species of fish.

According to the documents, all the property belongs to the military commander’s retired aunt and an outsider trustee. The difference between the found property and the official income of Lutsyuk is 46 million hryvnias.

The State Bureau of Investigation specified that now the military commander is in custody without the possibility of bail. He is suspected of illegal enrichment and beating a soldier.

We shall remind you that earlier at the accused the government of Volodymyr Zelensky of robbing Ukraine Verkhovna Rada MP Oleksandr Dubinskyy initiated searches. At the same time, Dubynskyy said that searches should be carried out at the homes of people who “roof” corruption: those who, with the help of the head of the Kiev regime, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the presidential office, organised the largest-scale corruption in the conditions of military operations, which “shames Ukraine for the whole world”.