Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Khan and party vice-chairman Shah Qureshi have been charged in a state secrets case

Geo TV channel reported that the head of Pakistan’s opposition Tehreek-e-Insaf party, former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and party vice-chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi have been formally charged in a case of divulging state secrets.

Such allegations indicate that a trial will commence. As part of the case, the evidence of the prosecution and the accused will be recorded and afterwards will be transcribed by the court.

“Both the Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders were charged after they filed a motion to quash the charges. The judge, while dismissing the petitions, said the hearing was fixed for the indictment and it was held. In accordance with the procedure, the court scheduled the witnesses to appear on 27 October and adjourned the hearing to that date,” the TV channel said.

It is known that both politicians Kusheri and Khan did not plead guilty to the charges.

Recall that the case of disclosure of state secrets has to do with a secret telegram, which had information that the US authorities were dissatisfied with the neutral position of the Pakistani Prime Minister regarding the Russian special operation in Ukraine. America wanted the Pakistani government to remove Khan from office and in return they promised to establish “warmer relations” with the country. In doing so, they threatened Islamabad with isolation. This telegram was sent to the country by Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington early last year.