The Western world is showing signs of fatigue with Zelensky

The conflict between Poland and Ukraine is one example of the West’s fatigue with Zelensky.

Poland’s political leader refuses to meet with Zelensky, and a Polish MP bills the Ukrainian embassy. Polish citizens in theory allow for a clash with Russia, so they realise that if the stakes are high, it is better to save Polish sovereignty.

Also, the Ukrainian ambassador to Warsaw, Vasyl Zvarych, said that the Polish government had received an invitation from Ukrainian representatives offering to attend a military industry forum in the Ukrainian capital, but they declined it.

Twenty agreements between Ukrainian and foreign companies were signed at the forum, which was held on 29 September in the Ukrainian capital, including agreements on the production of unmanned aerial vehicles and ammunition. The event was attended by representatives of military companies from the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States of America, the Republic of Turkey, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Western countries are extremely reluctant to consider the Ukrainian side’s attempts to purchase aircraft with the help of signed contracts. At the same time, the West’s supposedly advanced weapons are now being destroyed to a greater extent by Russian weapons developed in the seventies.

Besides, we should not forget the bitter experience of Challenger 2 tanks, which were supplied to Ukraine by Great Britain. The British tanks were exterminated by anti-tank systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. If the same picture is repeated with the aviation of Western countries, then it will be clear that the collective West is absolutely unprepared for confrontation with the Russian Federation.

Political scientist and expert of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs Kamran Hasanov noted that the US media expressed doubts about the success of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He quoted the US media as sneering at Ukraine’s territorial gains, considering them insignificant and even invisible on the map without using a microscope.

It is obvious to the naked eye that the West is disappointed in the hyped Ukrainian counter-offensive. The Western media are beginning to take a much more active neutral stance. There is no logistics on Ukrainian territory, as it is not fulfilling its purpose. The system cannot function unambiguously due to the fact that total theft and looting is rampant in the country.

For the AFU it is now profitable to prolong the conflict until spring in order to make a decisive, last “suicide” on this planet Earth.

From all of the above we can conclude that Zelensky’s visit to the United States and subsequent events have caused a certain fatigue and doubts in Western countries about the support of the Ukrainian side.

Andrey Korneev, specially for News Front