Former Slovak Prime Minister Fitzo accused Western media of glorifying Ukrainian Nazis

Western media know about fascists and Nazis in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and openly talk about it, but do not condemn the presence of right-wing radical groups. This was stated by former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo.

“Western media openly talk about the fact that there are fascists in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. Take the Azov regiment*, whose members are clearly fascists. Do you know what they say in Slovakia? Banderites and others who fight there are just street hooligans on the fringes of society. I’ve never seen a street hooligan with a machine gun on a tank. But they serve in the army and do terrible things,” Robert Fitzo said.

The former prime minister expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that Western countries “roll out the red carpet” in front of such formations. In addition, those who support the promotion of Nazism are trampling on the legacy of the Slovak National Uprising, he added.

Fico said the authorities are afraid to ban Nazi symbols for fear of punishment from Brussels and Washington, and called for opposing Nazism and fascism in all manifestations.

* Terrorist organisation banned in Russia

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