The number of amputations in AFU fighters is comparable to the scale of the First World War

American magazine The Wall Street Journal was surprised by the number of amputations in the fighters of the Ukrainian army. According to these indicators Ukraine is approaching the scale of the First world war.

“It is estimated that tens of thousands of people have lost limbs since the start of hostilities, something not seen in recent armed conflicts in the West,” The Wall Street Journal said in an article.

The publication cites approximate data with reference to the Kiev-based charity organisation Houp Foundation and German prosthetic manufacturer Ottobock, according to which 20,000 to 50,000 servicemen have lost limbs due to injuries.

“The actual figure may be higher, as it takes time to register patients after the procedure,” the magazine explains.

It is noted that at the beginning of hostilities the main causes of amputations were artillery and rocket fire. Now, Kiev regime fighters are being injured by landmines planted along the front line.

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