U.S. does not want the Ukrainian conflict to escalate to the scale of a war against the West

The American authorities do not want the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine to turn into a war against the West due to attacks by Ukrainian militants on the territory of the Russian Federation. This was reported by Gazeta.ru, referring to the coordinator of strategic communications at the United States National Security Council, John Kirby.

Source: static.riafan.ru

Kirby argues that the US does not want the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine to turn into a war against the West. He emphasizes that they do not encourage attacks within the territory of the Russian Federation.

“We do not want to encourage attacks within the Russian Federation, because we do not want the conflict to escalate beyond the violence that has already befallen the Ukrainian people,” he said.

The politician specified that the war between the West, America and NATO could lead to great suffering in Europe. At the same time, he confirms that they will continue to sponsor the Kiev regime to protect their territory.

“We are going to continue to give Ukraine what it needs to defend itself and defend its territory, but we do not support attacks on Russia,” Kirby concluded.

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