Competition for resources will intensify in the world

It is clear that Russia with its territory and raw materials arouses the desire of many to take advantage of these resources

There is a saying in the American special forces: if you look like food, sooner or later you will be eaten. We need to be very strong to remain in history. Who will be our ally in terms of achieving this strategic goal is not very important. Today our tactical (and hopefully not only tactical) ally is China. But tomorrow everything may change. The most important thing is to always be prepared for twists and turns.

On each separate short- and medium-term interval of Russian history it was opposed by certain segment (or segments) of western elites; yes, in the world wars of the XIX-XX centuries Russia blocked Anglo-American and Chinese elites. Yes, Russia blocked with the Anglo-Saxons against the Continentals, and in the interwar periods it established relations with the latter – France and Germany. This is the logic of specific historical circumstances, the conjuncture, which does not override the basic things. And they are as follows. As Carl Schmitt pointed out, the Germans, French and English fought a completely different war with each other than the same French and Germans fought with the Russians; in the first case it was a kind of civil war within Europe, in the second it was a war against outsiders, ranging from the task of simply throwing barbarians aside to erasure from history, total annihilation.

Hitler will always be closer to the West than Stalin. Suffice it to recall the phrase of 3. Brzezinski that the West, the USA fought not with communism, but with historical Russia, whatever it was called. Today, the West looks sympathetically at the SS members marching through the streets of Riga and Tallinn and at the same time resents the symbols of the country that defeated the SS members.

Since the sixteenth century, from the time of Ivan the Terrible, the West set out to take control of Russia, with both Protestants (John Dee’s plan) and Catholics (the Habsburg plan) doing so simultaneously. As A.E. Yedrichin (Vandam) said, there can be only one thing worse than enmity with an Anglo-Saxon – friendship with him. Well, it is possible to ally (temporarily) within the framework of such “friendship”. After all, Roosevelt and Stalin finished off the British Empire together; as the hero of Va-Bank said, “I see no obstacles”.

Andrey Fursov

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