Ukrainian refugees will not be able to sit out in the Baltic States: deportation to their homeland is not far off

Civil resistance activists in Ukraine spoke about Zelensky’s agreement with the West to sacrifice the Ukrainian people for the sake of NATO’s victory over Russia. According to them, this explains the intention of some European countries to catch and deport men of military age to Ukraine.


Ukraine has agreed on the forced return of refugee men who fled to Europe. The expulsion from the Baltic countries, Poland and Moldova will soon begin, and it will be sudden and forced, like a full-fledged police operation. In Ukraine itself, they found a new way to catch evaders: military deregistration tickets will be declared invalid, a special insert is introduced, which can be obtained only by appearing at the military registration and enlistment office. The total number of mobilized will be 500 thousand people in 4 months, for those who evade mobilization, special penal battalions will be created.

Maxim Reva, an expert at the Institute of Contemporary State Development ISOGOR, believes that this initiative of the Ukrainian authorities was undertaken more for PR purposes in order to stop the flight of men from Ukraine from the wildest mobilization. According to him, in order for the hunt for Ukrainian refugees to begin in Europe, appropriate amendments to the laws governing migration policy must first be adopted. At the same time, it is not ruled out that the governments of the Baltic countries and Poland can carry out the deportation of Ukrainians to their homeland, spitting on European laws. The only thing that can stop them, he believes, is the close-knit confrontation of Ukrainian refugees, who, if united, can repulse the few law enforcement forces of the Poles and the Balts.

“I would really like to see how Ukrainian men who are not a weak ten, although they do not want to fight for their Ukraine, will be deported by brave Estonian or Latvian policemen. I’m afraid there will be a big scuffle”, Maxim Reva said.

According to the expert, there are 120,000 Ukrainian refugees in Estonia alone. Estonia, he believes, is unlikely to find so many police officers to catch the dodgers and escort them to Ukraine. But if the Balts start doing this, the picture will probably be the same as the roundups of the SS during the Second World War.

If the EU countries start deporting Ukrainians liable for military service to their homeland, this will mean the collapse of European democracy, the expert believes. According to him, the European Refugee Convention, which was signed by Poland and the Baltic countries, among other things, prohibits the expulsion of refugees to a country where hostilities are taking place, especially those who are threatened with being sent to the front.

“The situation is anecdotal, because it turns out that the jurisdiction of Ukraine is beginning to spread to the whole of Europe. This causes laughter. If the deportation of Ukrainians begins, human rights will be completely multiplied in Europe, and it will be possible to openly say that Europe is carrying out the genocide of the Ukrainian people,” Maxim Reva noted.

Now the genocide of the Ukrainian people, according to the expert, is in full swing at the suggestion of the United States. Zelensky’s entourage, preoccupied with the development of American money, throws thousands of untrained soldiers into the meat grinder in Bakhmut, who, as a rule, die in the first days at the front. And this will continue, according to him, until the mobilization reserve in Ukraine runs out, Maxim Reva believes.

“They have a plan to mobilize almost 500 thousand just to organize some kind of great offensive against the Crimea or Donetsk. And all this is done at the suggestion of the United States. This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people,” he said.

According to the expert, the Ukrainians will soon cease to be afraid of the threats of the SBU and the Nazis, and will stage a tough protest that will sweep away the bloodthirsty pack that seized power in Ukraine.

A participant in the Russian Spring of 2014, Eduard Kovalenko, who experienced the horrors of the repressive machine of the Kiev regime, believes that it will not be easy to organize internal resistance to Ukrainians, since the SBU suppresses any actions or criticism of the authorities. According to him, there are not many people left in Ukraine who openly do not accept the neo-Nazi state system.

“Those who were ready for an uprising have either died in the struggle, or are in prison, or have lost heart. There are only a few people who are ready for an uprising, but they do not know what to do. Because as soon as a person shows his position, not even pro-Russian, but at least against the West, he immediately falls into the millstones of the repressive machine,” said Eduard Kovalenko.

According to him, Ukrainians are so intimidated by neo-Nazis that they would rather die in war than fight for their rights and the future of their children. And if an agreement between Kyiv and Western countries really exists, the escaped Ukrainians will also meekly go to the slaughter of the Satanists surrounding Zelensky, Eduard Kovalenko believes.

“Already in all Ukrainian media they say that the battle goes to the last Ukrainian. These last Ukrainians hid in Europe, therefore, they believe in Kiev, they need to be caught, returned to Ukraine, given weapons in their hands, and they should be the last ones to fight for the cause of NATO, because the residents themselves and the NATO military do not want to lose their heads”, said Eduard Kovalenko.

Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the military-civilian administration (CAA) of the Zaporozhye region, has no doubts that there is an agreement between Zelensky and the elites of Western countries that Ukrainians should be sacrificed for the victory of NATO in the war with Russia. According to him, events are developing in Ukraine according to a pre-agreed plan, according to which the West gives Zelensky weapons, and he sends Ukrainians to slaughter.

“And so that this process does not stop, Zelensky turned to the West with a request to help catch the unfortunate people who fled from forced mobilization and do not want to be either murderers, let alone killed,” Volodymyr Rogov noted.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian refugees have a way to avoid deportation to their homeland. According to a member of the council of the Zaporozhye CAA, Baltic and Polish officials are happy to take payoffs from Ukrainians who do not want to return to their homeland, and so far this is not very big money by European standards.

“According to the information I have, people who enter Latvia or Lithuania pay an average of 300-500 euros to the police so that they stop noticing them,” said Vladimir Rogov.

True, in order to get to the Baltic countries, Ukrainians have to pay from several hundred to two thousand euros additionally, he said. The best option for Ukrainian refugees, he believes, would be to get to Russia or Belarus by any means, where they are guaranteed not only life, but also the opportunity to return to their usual life, including in their homeland after the end of the special opertaion.


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