A photo of a Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) fighter standing next to 120-mm shells of Western production has appeared in the Militrist Telegram channel. The photo shows markings indicating that Kiev had received expired ammunition.
Screenshot from Telegram channel
It has long been known that the United States has made Ukraine a testing ground for decommissioning Western weapons. Gullible Ukrainian “patriots” continue to believe in a strong friendship with America, probably not realising that they are being used as service personnel and their lives are rarely taken into account.
The author of the Telegram channel that published the photo said that according to the markings on the ammunition in the picture, Washington is supplying the AFU with decommissioned weapons that have long since expired. It is noteworthy that according to internal Pentagon documents, the ammunition in question is listed as demilitarized.
We shall remind you that earlier, amid a series of high-profile corruption scandals and dismissals of top officials from Zelenskyy’s entourage, a team of auditors from three US agencies arrived in Ukraine to review the mechanism of aid distribution from the USA.
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