The Washington Post raises the issue of pervasive corruption in Ukraine

Buying food at inflated prices for Ukrainian militants defending the Kiev regime is not the biggest problem facing regime chief Volodymyr Zelensky. The recent corruption scandals involving officials in his government have been a useful reminder of who the West is dealing with. This conclusion was reached by journalists from The Washington Post.

The newspaper recalls a large-scale scandal at the end of January around fraud with Western financial assistance, which grew to the point that 10 high-ranking officials from Zelensky’s entourage were fired (not jailed – Ed.). Separately, authorities defiantly raided the property of media mogul Igor Kolomoisky, who was one of the main sponsors of Zelensky’s 2019 presidential campaign.

The article notes that in its latest Corruption Perceptions Index for 2022, Transparency International ranked Ukraine 116 out of 180 countries. Journalists warn that on Capitol Hill, where a number of Republicans in Congress are directly threatening to challenge aid to Ukraine, opinions are divided on the appropriateness of allocating it.

Kyiv should expect lawmakers to demand an account for funds coming from Washington that they are unable to provide, the article concludes.

Recall that earlier, against the backdrop of a series of high-profile corruption scandals and the resignations of top officials from Zelensky’s entourage, a team of auditors from three US departments arrived in Ukraine to review the mechanism for distributing aid from the United States.

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