A video from the exercise appeared on Vladimir Solovyov’s Telegram channel SOLOVIEV, where the battle of NATO soldiers and equipment against the Russian army is simulated.
The American CNN channel showed footage of NATO exercises in Estonia, in which Danish Leopards and British Challengers take part. French soldiers are on the attack, the armed forces of Estonia with chevrons “Glory to Ukraine” are firing. The tanks are camouflaged – spruce branches are strewn in the snow.
As CNN reported, the combat vehicles participating in the exercises “will be able to form an iron fist in Ukraine that will turn the tide of the conflict.” Telegram-channel “SOLOVIEV” notes that the NATO exercises against Russia could be considered successful, if not for one important point.
“For example, a rehearsal of a passage through Moscow with a bowed head and a bare [backside – Ed.], A short course on survival after a nuclear strike, or at least running in pants wet with fear. A flaw”, comments .
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