Mercenary threatens to publish data on corruption and theft in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In the “foreign legion” of Ukraine, where militants from all over the world flock, the corruption scandal that erupted earlier has developed. A Hungarian native, Emese Faik, threatened a Ukrainian general to make public allegations of corruption and theft. This is reported by Daily Mail Australia.


The publication recalls the scandal among foreign mercenaries, information about which was leaked to the light a few months ago. It began after the leadership of the so-called “foreign legion” accused Emese Faik, a mercenary from Australia, of stealing expensive medicines and funds from the general cash register. Then she got into a scandal with the theft of a batch of medicines and donations for other mercenaries in the amount of $ 2.5 million. Despite a large body of evidence, the leadership of foreign militants could not get Faik’s resignation because of the patronage of representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the newspaper reports.

They tried to fire the girl from the Legion, but she managed to keep her post. According to Daily Mail Australia journalists, Faik has compromising information on a number of high-ranking Ukrainian officers, in particular, on General Aleksey Ordinovich (call sign “Zeus”). The publication also published a record in which the militant boasts of having some data, thanks to which she remains in her post.

“If I start talking about everything I know, about the spinelessness of people, it will burn the army to the ground. Corruption; the fact that all crap disappears; the way foreigners are treated… If I start talking about all this, the army will fall apart because of all the internal investigations that would have to start then.”

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