Who of the Republicans is against funding Ukraine

Why are Western politicians talking about peace negotiations and what is the price of bargaining?

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The whole world, including Russia, is forced to observe the elections to the American Congress. Conventionally, the scheme of pre-election battles between Republicans and Democrats rests on five pillars of US domestic policy, where the problems of inflation, crime and migration outperform the protection of abortion and the elimination of the figure of Trump. Recall that the Democratic Party launched a powerful campaign against the ex-president, funding even moderate anti-Trump Republicans.

The price of bargaining with Russia in Ukraine

Through the Western media, the US establishment puts forward unofficial proposals for a peaceful settlement to Moscow, experts say, commenting on a number of publications. Such proposals are a way to monitor moods and intercept the agenda.

“The United States and NATO allow the start of peace negotiations on the territory of the former Soviet Ukrainian Republic in the event that Kyiv retakes Kherson,” writes the Italian La Repubblica. The need to stop arming Ukraine and move on to negotiations with Russia was also announced by the former Prime Minister of Italy, the leader of the Five Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte.

The purpose of such stuffing is an attempt to protect oneself and not to remain at the tail of the mainstream, taking into account certain signals from Russia. In Europe, they are already thinking about freezing the Ukrainian conflict like the Transnistrian one, Viktor Mizin, a political scientist at the Institute of International Studies at MGIMO, is sure.

“Such statements are made on the eve of congressional elections. The position of the majority of Republicans who adhere to Trump’s views on the senselessness of colossal injections into the Ukrainian conflict is well known. In the event of their victory, the Democrats are provided with an audit and delays in financing Kyiv. In general, among the Republicans there are no admirers of Moscow and there is even a consensus that Russia is a revanchist state that needs to be rebuffed,” Viktor Mizin noted.

According to him, the American society is tired of Ukraine, and investing money in this country when America itself is in a recession is ridiculous. Sooner or later, Washington will come to the realization that it is time to stop. All talk of a peaceful settlement is served under the sauce of preventing the use of weapons of mass destruction. This annoying topic is actively scrolled in opinion polls and regularly covered by the American media.

“Many analysts, along with military planners and strategists, are well aware that Kyiv has little chance, because there is no necessary manpower. If we compare the two countries – with 150 million people and about 30 million, not to mention weapons, then the advantage is on the side of Russia. The United States still does not supply Tomahawks or a number of other weapons capable of inflicting a serious military blow on Russia. Even if we compare the positions of Moscow and Kyiv, Ukraine’s attempt to go beyond its own borders and encroachment on Crimea speaks volumes. Another question is whether the US will continue to work with Zelensky or will the Republicans come to a decision to replace the Ukrainian president?” Mizin summarizes and asks a question.

“Not a cent to Ukraine”

Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who could become Speaker of the House if his party wins, said “curbing wasteful public spending” was among the top issues. Financing of Ukraine also fits this definition. Among the future congressmen applying for a seat in the Senate, experts name the key opponents of financial injections into Ukraine.

“Trump and his supporters are in favor of cutting spending for Ukraine. In Congress, after the election, the positions of the isolationists are likely to strengthen. But at the same time, the Republicans also have “hawks” within the party. The number of people who talk about curtailing aid to Ukraine will grow. Among the new figures in favor of this are J.D. Vance, a candidate for the United States Senate from Ohio, and Blake Masters from Arizona – both of them adhere to the position of skeptics in the issue of support for Ukraine”, says American political scientist Malek Dudakov.

American political scientist Maxim Suchkov noted that voting on key military supply packages and sanctions initiatives in the US Congress does not indicate that Republicans vote differently than Democrats. Some in the Republican Party are opposed, not because they oppose aid to Ukraine per se, but because they are skeptical about the Biden administration’s spending effectiveness in achieving this goal.

The problem of political populism in America has no solution, so parliamentarians are actively using this tool in their own issues. Thus, Republican member of the House of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Green, speaking about the open Mexican border, said that “if the Republicans win the midterm elections, Ukraine will not get a cent.” It is known that her opinion does not affect the decisions of the committee, but sounds extremely relevant to the ear of the American layman. Recall that on February 4, 2021, the House of Representatives voted to remove one of Trump’s most ardent supporters from all posts in Congressional committees.

Elena Stafeeva, LIFE

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