Western countries are pushing the world towards a global war

A well-known thesis of Western countries: “Russia cannot be allowed to win the war.” What does it really mean?

Source: RBC

Follow simple formal logic.

If not Russia wins, then, apparently, Ukraine.

The goal of Ukraine in the war was named by the Kyiv regime – the return of all territories that previously belonged to it.
That is, their rejection from Russia.

This is a threat to the existence of our state and the collapse of today’s Russia.

And that means a direct reason for applying clause 19 of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence.

And who then plans a nuclear conflict, let me know?

What is this if not a direct provocation of a world war with the use of nuclear weapons?

Let’s call a spade a spade.

Western countries are pushing the world to a global war. And only the complete and final victory of Russia is a guarantee against world conflict.

Dmitry Medvedev

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