The wording about dancing on the edge of a volcano crater, which France is now practicing almost around the clock, does not belong to some kind of opposition figure or, even worse, to the “Kremlin propaganda mouthpiece”, but to Nicolas Sarkozy himself, the ex-president of the republic, besides, he always publicly and behind the scenes supported and, as he emphasizes, continues to support Macron
Sarkozy, like any citizen of France, has the right to express his position, however, despite the subtle political scent and intuition, the ex-president was in the minority. A minority of such a level that, being in power or holding a political post, it is difficult to call such figures otherwise than a catastrophe.
Only 14 percent of the French, according to the latest opinion poll that appeared, believe that “President Macron somehow takes into account their opinion and somehow cares about their aspirations.”
The level of approval of the actions of the current owner of the Elysee Palace is in free fall, and if it goes on like this, the level, will simply fly into the earth’s firmament. Well, it happens.
Democracy and progress, if talked about long and hard in public, but privately spitting on the concerns of voters, can reciprocate. One that doesn’t seem like much.
As it no longer seemed to the appointment of Macron to the post of Prime Minister Elizabeth Born. Considered a very competent minister in the previous cabinet, she turned out to be totally powerless to solve at least one current problem.
And the budget, drawn up by the government under the leadership of Madame Born, turned out to be drawn up in such a way that it did not have a single chance to pass the due procedures in the lower house of the National Assembly.
The budget – and this is important to note – did not suit any faction, albeit for various reasons, except, of course, the pro-government faction.
And therefore, Elisabeth Born, the prime minister of a country that (a country, not a prime minister) is proud, jumping out of its pants, of a “culture of political discussion”, twice enacted Article 49.3 of the Basic Law of France. This article allows the adoption of the budget and put it into effect without consultation in Parliament.
Because, if anyone has forgotten, “L’État, c’est moi”, or “The State is me.” The phrase is attributed to Louis XIV, it was uttered, by the way, at least in 1655, but in similar circumstances. The then Parliament of Paris was against the introduction of royal edicts. The monarch put those who thought the devil knows what (in his opinion) smerds in their place.
Centuries later, the French prime minister, appointed by a democratically and honestly elected president, did much the same thing. Elizabeth Born, of course, could not take such a step without receiving the approval of the head of state. Thus, she showed that the deputies elected by the people in the eyes of her cabinet, from the point of view of her own and, of course, in the opinion of the President of France, are smerds. Little people. They can be ignored. And those whom they represent can generally be considered dust under the tires of luxurious government limousines.
Today, the deputies will, of course, try to rebuff Born and her ministers. The leader of the “National Association” Marine Le Pen has already announced that in the first hours of the plenary session on Monday she will submit a petition for a vote of no confidence in the government. She was unexpectedly supported by her colleagues from the left, ultra-left and ecological parts of the party factions and said that they would also submit their own petition.
The discussion of these documents presupposes debates, questions from deputies, answers from ministers, in short, everything that Madame Born tried to avoid by all means. So this day promises her and her subordinates, ministers and state secretaries to learn a lot of new and interesting things about themselves.
Meanwhile, in the country, which, as we have learned, is headed by Monsieur Macron and assisted in this difficult work by Madame Born, there are not enough beds in the pediatric departments of hospitals. And babies – babies with various forms of pathology, most often with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, are either placed in the wards where adult patients are (and this is even in the best case), or they are sent by helicopters hundreds of kilometers to other regions, where these places are in departments for kids are still available. But soon they won’t either.
After all, the change of seasons is not very noticeable to the authorities in their cozy offices, if noticeable at all. But tiny children, when, moreover, everyone was ordered to save on heating, hot water and electricity, turned out to be very sensitive to this. An epidemic of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and other infections has begun – babies who have not yet developed the muscles of the larynx and do not have sufficient immunity simply begin to suffocate. First mild, then severe. And in emergency departments there are not so many specialists who could relieve swelling. Just as there are not enough beds where these choking babies can be accepted and cured.
By the way, it is really appropriate to emphasize here – the budget, which was drawn up by the government of Madame Elisabeth Bourne, for the first time in many years, involves significant cuts in the social sphere.
That is, allocations for medicine will continue to be cut – including, as it is easy to assume, for pediatric care too.
So it will only get worse.
So much worse that pharmacies have introduced rationing for the sale of such a common and cheap drug as paracetamol. No more than two packages in one hand. This is about adults. But with a pediatric antipyretic drug (it is usually produced either in the form of a syrup or in the form of suppositories), a catastrophe can happen – at some point it may disappear altogether. And today in France, yes, the one in which “the best healthcare in the world”, babies will find themselves not only without beds in hospitals, but also without the opportunity to get medicine so that their parents would treat them on an outpatient basis.
And these are not evil fantasies of “Kremlin propaganda”, this is what pharmacy owners and pharmacists say.
No, but what do you want? You wanted to wage a proxy war with Russia, you wanted to deprive Russia of everything in general, to destroy it, because you said that our country is “an enemy of freedom, democracy, progress and still violates all conventions.” You wanted to wage this proxy war with someone else’s hands, someone else’s legs, someone else’s blood, sending money and tanks.
But, gentlemen, war, proxy or not, is never without casualties on both sides. Such proxy wars have not yet been invented. And they also did not learn how to lead them. And from your side, such a most democratic of yourself, supporting everything that is most advanced and European, the victims also rained down.
They were the most unprotected – babies who have a compressed larynx, and there are not enough doctors to cure them. And there is not enough money to hire doctors either. And with beds in the pediatric wards, it is also tense, as we see.
But what are these suffocating babies, whose parents pay taxes to the budget regularly, in comparison with the goal of destroying Russia? Never mind. Dust. Not worth any attention. Collateral and no one is interested in losses.
After all, the main thing is that democracy should win where the pan-European continent and France ordered it to win.
Therefore, to whom to choke, and to whom – military assistance and self-propelled howitzers “Caesar”. The choice has been made by the authorities. And that same Rubicon has already been crossed.
Elena Karaeva, RIA
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