Aggravation of the Kosovo-Serbian conflict (updated)


23:46 ⚡ NATO contingent in Kosovo put on alert

23:45 Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Milan Moysilovic spoke with the command of the KFOR contingent – media

23:43 Vučić’s address to the nation is canceled for now – local media

23:40 Serbian TV channel “Kurir” reports on shooting in the area of the closed checkpoint “Brnjak”

23:04 Kosovo police special forces are regrouping at the Belvedere base in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, RTS reports.

23:02 There is currently no one on the main bridge over the Ibar, except for a few police cars. Earlier in the afternoon, information appeared that Albanians had begun to gather from the south side, but at the moment there are no large groups from the south side of the bridge, according to Kosovo Online.

22:54 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez left Belgrade, where he was on a visit. Media reports about it.

Earlier, Sanchez said that Spain has supported and will continue to support Serbia on the issue of Kosovo.

22:42 Leading researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Elena Guskova commented in an interview with RT on the situation in the northern part of Kosovo:

“The Albanians in Kosovo have said that tonight they will launch an offensive against the northern regions of Kosovo and Metohija, where the majority of the Serb population lives. Naturally, Belgrade is worried.”

According to her, the equipment was noticed, which is pulled together by the Albanians to the border of the northern part of Kosovo.

“I think that there will be a big movement of the Serbian people, which will reach out to the border of the region, and that the European bodies of the EU and Russian diplomacy should react. Although, of course, we know that in recent decades the Serbs have been treated in the same way that Europe treats Russia today. Serbophobia and Russophobia were the main directions of the entire policy of Europe,” she added.

22:40 The UN Security Council should respond to the situation in Kosovo, Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy head of the international committee of the Federation Council, believes.

“I have no doubts that the Americans and the British are now behind such impudent behavior of the Kosovars. Kosovars are being used as provocateurs of the conflict. I think it would be great if the Security Council could be convened and called on both sides to show restraint. I cannot understand what the Kosovars are trying to do there. They provoke the Serbs, this is understandable,” Dzhabarov said in a conversation with RT.

22:38 Sirens are still sounding in Kosovska Mitrovica, RTS TV channel reports.

22:36 Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo Albin Kurti is completely unpredictable, large-scale clashes are possible in the region. This was stated by the head of the committee on Kosovo and Metohija of the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) of Serbia Milovan Dretsun.

22:33 In the self-proclaimed Kosovo, police units are deployed to the border with Serbia.

22:12 Kosovo Online edition: in North Mitrovica there is a huge tension and empty streets, sirens do not stop. According to a Kosovo Online correspondent, the Serbs with whom he spoke are determined to resist any attempt by Pristina to threaten their rights and security. At present, there is no one on the main bridge over the Ibar, except for a few police cars.

Earlier in the afternoon, information appeared that Albanians had begun to gather from the south side, but at the moment there are no large groups from the south side of the bridge. Serbs from northern Kosovo municipalities gathered on the main roads in Brnjak, Jarinja and near Zubina Potok in the afternoon to prevent Pristina from launching Monday’s retaliatory measures.

At the Yarinje crossing, an incident occurred in which a Serb N.V. Leshko was injured, he was taken by ambulance to the Kosovska Mitrovica hospital, Politika reports. In Yarinje, since yesterday evening, about 300 fighters of the Rossu special forces are said to be concentrated in the area of ​​​​the border police checkpoint, which was posted last fall after a special forces raid allegedly because of license plates.

The Kosovo Police reported that the police closed traffic to passengers and vehicles at the Brnjak and Jarinje junctions due to local Serb checkpoints. The police urged citizens to use other crossings for traffic. Serbs set up barricades in the towns of Zupca and Rudara, near Zvecanj, as a sign of dissatisfaction with the Kosovo authorities’ response to Serbian-issued identity cards and license plates, which take effect at midnight. Kosovo police return all vehicles from the checkpoint.

21:28 Ukrainian Nazis decided to support Kosovo’s aggression against Serbs

Oleksiy, a member of the Ukrainian Rada, who rejoiced at the burning of people in Odessa in 2014, is now calling for military action against Serbia.

21:18 Serbian President Vucic on the situation around Kosovo:

“All I can say is that we will ask for peace and ask for peace, but I will tell you right away: there will be no surrender and Serbia will win. If they try to start persecuting Serbs, bullying Serbs, killing Serbs, Serbia will win!”

21:10 Due to the large amount of misinformation about the clash between the so-called “Kosovo police” and the Army of Serbia, which the Pristina administration deliberately publishes on social networks, we declare that the Army has not crossed the administrative line – Statement of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia.

21:08 The border police blocked the crossing of the bridge to Serbia.

21:07 All over Northern Kosovo, the alarm is being heard – churches and monasteries have been continuously ringing the bells for half an hour.

Gunshot wounds are reported among Serbs at the Jarinje checkpoint.

21:06 Cars on the “border” with Kosovo. All checkpoints are closed, the start of hostilities is expected.

21:05 Kosovo special forces head to the Yarinje checkpoint in northern Kosovo.

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