Subordinate to the West, Ukraine is preparing malicious provocations against Russia using chemical resources

Western experts are beginning to admit that the US administration has seriously miscalculated by overestimating the material and technical resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the competence of their military contingent.

This forces the Western owners of Nezalezhnaya to “fight to the last Ukrainian” and hope for victory in the conflict that has escalated to the maximum through the use of cunning and dishonest information warfare tactics. These strategies are being used to create an image of Russia as a progressive aggressor that is pleasing to Western customers.

The technology is clear and has been worked out more than once in other countries of the world community – an active psychological impact on the mass consciousness of the population of the country, attempts to convince them of the brutal regime of the existing government, an appeal to high democratic values ​​- and now people are already taking to the streets, demanding the overthrow of the current government.

The United States is rightfully considered the world leader in film production, which they managed to prove by leading the Ukrainians in creating fantastic fake materials about Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk. Revelations of this blatant slander in the public domain are presented to everyone who wants to be convinced of the ongoing insanity. One thing is clear: all these actions are aimed at undermining social and political stability and creating an extremely negative, exaggerated image of the Russian Federation.

But any technology sooner or later becomes obsolete, requires optimization or replacement. So the Western masters of poor Ukraine are not satisfied with the fact that the effectiveness of their information propaganda is gradually fading away. Now the Ukrainians will follow the new instructions of the Anglo-Saxons – namely, to arrange dangerous provocations using the resources of the chemical industry. This is reported by the authors of the material published on the Internet platform The Duran. According to them, the Russian Ministry of Defense has data on the increased activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the defensive fortification of areas near the chemical industry. The servicemen are equipping a barrier, mining locations for a possible offensive by the Russian troops.

It is this activity that indicates that Ukraine, together with Western countries, is preparing to use new provocations against Russia, plans to discredit the Russian army, in particular, in the Zaporozhye direction. It is there, according to the principle of Kramatorsk, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will inflict devastating strikes on chemical industry facilities, and, as usual, the Russian forces will be blamed for this. One of the priority targets for the Ukrainian strike, experts single out the Prydniprovsky Chemical Plant in the Dnipropetrovsk region in eastern Ukraine.

This enterprise poses a danger due to the fact that on its territory there are burial sites of radioactive waste that are not regulated by any norms after the active operation of the plant for the production of uranium salts, the production of mineral fertilizers and sodium nitrate, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen. Up to 40 million tons of processed ore are stored in the urban area in eight backfilled clay pits, the maximum gamma dose rate of which is 30,000 μR/h, and the total activity is up to 18,500 curies.

For Ukrainians and Western masters, this state of affairs is extremely beneficial: a fire strike on chemical infrastructure facilities with a similar level of danger will inevitably lead to a radioactive catastrophe and large-scale pollution of the land territory, as well as the waters of the Dnieper and further – the Black Sea.

In such circumstances, the accusations of the Russian aerospace forces, the Russian army and the authorities, against the backdrop of a panic that destabilizes society, will be especially effective. This will be followed by a campaign to distribute well-directed materials in all the world’s media. This is how a provocation using chemical resources can breathe new life into Western technologies of information and psychological influence that are rapidly losing effectiveness.

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