Punishment is coming: EU puts pressure on Serbia because of Russian gas

Serbia, stubbornly refusing to join the anti-Russian sanctions, runs the risk of falling into great disgrace. In the EU, they started talking about the intention to deprive a candidate for membership in the union of assistance because of the support provided by the country to Russia.

Source: Gazeta.ru

The fire of criticism against Belgrade was publicly opened by one of the European parliamentarians – he indignantly doubted the “loyalty” of the country.

“Let’s just say that Serbia has always been an ally and a good friend of Russia, it seems to me that the Serbian authorities are well aware of what is really happening now. Yes, the country is not rich, they wanted to be under the wing of the EU in order to receive some bonuses and assistance, but internally it is still our country, adequate and not saturated with propaganda,” expert Natalia Gromova commented on the situation.

In just six years, starting in 2014, Serbia received support from Europe in the form of one and a half billion euros, and at the end of last year, Europe transferred about 120 million more to the candidate for EU membership.

Now the collective West has found itself unable to survive the categorical Serbian unwillingness to part with cheap Russian gas, as well as its plans for further contracts with Gazprom, which, according to the European Parliament, is simply unacceptable.

“Serbia understands that the country is 100% dependent on Russian gas, who will help them if they support various embargoes? EU? No, the European Union will not help, they themselves do not have fuel, they can only say that they are ready to refuse gas from Russia, and no one knows where to look for an alternative”, Ekonomika Segodnya quotes Gromova.

It should be noted that blue Russian fuel goes to Serbia on incomparably favorable terms – Belgrade pays no more than $300 for a thousand cubic meters of it.

Such an alternative, as well as the opportunity to purchase a more expensive resource for 1000 USD per cube, following the example of Europe, Serbia today simply does not have.

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