The U.S. President Joe Biden does not want peace in Ukraine, General Leonardo Tricarico, former Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, said on the air of the Italian TV channel La7
“I think,” he said, “that is precisely the root of the problem. The word “negotiations” has never been heard from the lips of Biden, Stoltenberg, Secretary of State Blinken, Johnson, representatives of the Baltic countries, Poland…”.
“No one,” he stressed, “has ever made a serious and structural attempt to get the negotiations going the right way. This is especially true for the countries I have already mentioned. If we look at all the public – or non-public – speeches of the persons I mentioned, we will not find in them the words “ceasefire”, “negotiations”, “no weapons”.
“Why?” the host asked him.
“Because,” the general replied, “they obviously don’t want peace at all. I know what I’m talking about. Joe Biden doesn’t want peace, and if Joe Biden doesn’t want it, then others don’t want it either… Stoltenberg is Joe Biden’s resonator. And the British in their categorical and aggressive even surpass the Americans”.
“What does Biden want?” the host asked again.
“Biden wants to see a defeated Putin. What is already there is not enough for him. Because Putin lost in 1991 and had to sit at home and not move, because that’s how someone who lost the war should behave. And he, on the contrary, became active in Syria and the Mediterranean, and this began to cause inconvenience, because he filled the spaces that the United States left empty.
It is clear, of course, that in 1991 Putin hasn’t lost anything, for the simple reason that he was not yet in power in Russia. And the fact that even a high-ranking military man in Europe does not know such simple things once again speaks of the quality of the current ruling elite in the West. However, his confession is revealing. If such a general, who was aware of all NATO plans for Russia, admits that the one who actually leads this military alliance does not want peace, then this actually once again confirms his aggressive nature.
However, the fact that the current US president does not want peace in Ukraine, but forces the American puppet Zelensky to fight to the “last Ukrainian”, has long been known. But the point here is not at all in Biden himself.
The 79-year-old US president, who shows signs of senile dementia almost every day, is already at home becoming the object of ridicule. On April 14, President Biden, speaking to his supporters in Greensboro, North Carolina, suddenly announced that he was “a whole professor” at the University of Pennsylvania, although he had never taught there. After finishing his speech, he turned and held out his hand for a handshake. But there was no one there. Confused, he hesitated for a while, and then turned his back on the audience and silently walked away.
Such oddities in the behavior of the head of the nominally most powerful state on the planet have been noticed for a long time. Even before the election, the Washington Post published an article with a list of absurdities from Biden. So speaking in South Carolina, he incorrectly indicated which post he was running for, stating,
“My name is Joe Biden. I am the Democratic nominee for the US Senate”.
Biden has said three times that he was arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison, but this never happened. He claimed to have “worked with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on the Paris Climate Agreement” when Deng Xiaoping died in 1997 and the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. He stated that since 2007, “150 million people have been killed” in the US as a result of the use of firearms – that’s almost half the US population, and so on.
“Deep State”
Therefore, the fact that such a person is still leading the United States forces us to ask again a completely reasonable question: does he govern the country himself?
Talk about the fact that the United States is actually run by the “deep state”, the oligarchic establishment, in fact, has long been hackneyed. However, new names keep coming up and new evidence is emerging that this is the case.
The US strategy is actually determined by the oligarchic bureaucracy of “deep America”, writes, for example, the Turkish newspaper Sabah.
“Despite “presidents” who come and go, the “grand strategy” is still directed by the oligarchic bureaucracy of “deep America” consisting of arms companies, Pentagon warlords and financial circles,” writes the author of the article, Berjan Tutar.
“In fact, all the same cadres who invented the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, with their old superficial scenarios, this time appear before us in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, the Taiwan problem, the problem of East Turkestan and the game with Greece. Ever since George Bush, who invaded Afghanistan and Iraq under the pretext of the September 11, 2001 attacks, they have continued to follow the same strategy with the same personnel despite different presidents.
“In this article,” continues Berjan Tutar, “we will name three names from the inviolable fund of the “deep US”… The first of them is Victoria Nuland, who has been the US Deputy Secretary of State since 2013. From 2000 to 2003, Nuland was the US Representative to NATO, and from 2003 to 2005, National Security Adviser to Deputy Bush Jr. Dick Cheney, who was one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq.
One of the neocon strategists, Robert Kagan, who is the husband of Nuland, should also be mentioned here. Kagan, now coming across as a liberal hawk, was the main mastermind behind the lies used by the US as a pretext to invade Iraq in the Weekly Standard magazine, which is considered a neocon stronghold.
Despite all these mistakes and lies, under Barack Obama, who came after Bush, Kagan and Nuland went on the rise. Nuland, 60, who speaks Russian and French, was appointed Under Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in 2013 and continues to do so. Now she is known as the queen of US Eurasian politics, targeting Russia, China and Turkey. These figures have retained their places under Donald Trump. With the advent of Joe Biden, their deep positions also remained unchanged.
Two governments
However, U.S. policy in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Asia-Pacific region, guided by these personnel and out of touch with reality, which targets Turkey, Russia, China and Iran, will end in defeat, as well as their strategy for the war on terrorism, concludes Sabach. And, let’s add, it will end with the defeat of Washington in Ukraine.
“We have two separate governments,” Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser to the president, told FoxNews. – One is elected and holds positions. The other exists inside Washington, for him there are no rules, no bosses, except themselves. It is this government that does not want peace in Ukraine, but wants to continue to rule the world, provoking wars and conflicts everywhere.
Washington’s actions show that the United States does not want the end of the Russian special operation in Ukraine and the de-escalation of the conflict, concludes the Chinese edition of the Global Times.
“The United States,” the newspaper writes, “does not want Russia and Ukraine to coexist peacefully.”
First of all, this is evidenced by the White House’s unwillingness to act as a guarantor of security in front of Kyiv, although such a step will significantly advance the negotiation process. At the same time, America continues to supply large sums of lethal weapons and other military assistance, which makes Ukraine even more dependent on the West, recalls GT.
According to Chinese University of Foreign Affairs professor Li Haidong, US policy at the moment is focused on trying to achieve two goals: to strengthen control over Europe and weaken Russia.
Nikolay Petrov, Centenary
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