Little time is left before the U.S. is transformed into Ukraine

The fact that the United States has long and firmly become the abode of two different types or breeds of people, Democrats and Republicans, is not new. The news is if (when) it becomes obvious: they can no longer physically live within the framework of one state

Source: © AFP 2022 / Ed Jones

That is, the point is that the U.S. will then turn into Ukraine, where hatred for another breed of former compatriots will cross some fatal line, beyond which one will have to forget about a united country.

How realistic is this in the case of the United States, and, most importantly, what thoughts and moods are pushing towards this line? And if you put the question even tougher: where does real Nazism begin? Such as in Ukraine, where it came to many years of mass atrocities in the East?

There is little left for the U.S. Such thoughts are suggested by the publication, quite typical for its Democrats, in their main newspaper The Washington Post, that the split has gone too far – “we have become two different nations.” Namely: the “red” (republican) and “blue” (democratic) states live under different laws and move further and further away from each other on a wide range of issues. The author lists the following: basic principles of health care, the mechanics of voting in elections, attitudes towards abortion, climate change, possession of weapons, LGBT rights and education.

He didn’t mention everything, of course. There is also an attitude to such a question as “who are the Americans”: who can and should live in the country.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. Red Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, one of several obvious candidates for the next U.S. president, ordered buses to be prepared for the mass transportation of illegal migrants from Mexico and other Latin America to the capital, the blue city of Washington. The fact is that in a few weeks it is expected: the Joe Biden administration will cancel the restrictions imposed on this part in 2020, and it is the Texans who will be the first to be on the path of crowds of migrants.

Therefore, Abbott mobilizes the local analogue of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to catch illegal immigrants, builds barriers from especially barbed wire at the border and, as already mentioned, prepares buses. So that – literally in Abbott – “the administration could more specifically meet the needs of the people whom it allows to cross our borders.” This, if someone does not understand, is such humor.

That is, for one part of Americans, it is normal when hundreds of thousands of foreigners go there, on whom it is necessary to spend huge money earned by Americans and given by them to the state in the form of taxes. And for other part of Americans, there is nothing normal here.

Well, it seems, and so what – it happens. Some territories of the country have one situation, others have a different one, we can agree. But here we must return to the very article in The Washington Post, which contains an essential thought. About the fact that there are things, like viruses or climate, that do not recognize state boundaries. That is, at least in these two cases – in terms of healthcare or the struggle for a green economy – there should be one law for the whole country.

But how to do it in practice? In the conditions of the USA – only by methods of extreme violence. How else, if in the “blue” New York for months the mask regime was kept, and in the “red” Florida on the door of the cafe you could see the inscription “Do not enter in masks, other visitors are writhing from this spectacle.”

It can take a long time to find out who did better in the end, and they find out, and each half of the U.S. has its own statistics on this. True, a third option is also possible: covering the whole country and a large part of the rest of the world, the famous document of the Johns Hopkins Institute states that with or without quarantines and other lockdowns, with or without masks, the results are the same. But that’s not even the point, but the fact that millions of people in both the “blue” and “red” states are shaking with hatred for each other, and you can’t force either side to accept the unified mechanics of fighting the virus on both sides. And the same goes for the proposed ways of global climate improvement (less manufacturing, cars and consumption in general).

The key difference between Democrats and Republicans is that the latter can still agree with some minor local peculiarities of the legislation of the former, but they are steadily expanding the lists of issues on which there can be no peculiarities and no discussion at all. This is some kind of Cainian stamp of democratic ideology: to turn their creeds of the party into something that only complete scum can argue about.

How it’s done? With the help of a simple technology: to say that dissenters threaten those who agree to the proposed policies simply by the fact of their existence. They infect the nation and the world with viruses, warm the planet and send weather disasters to everyone – and the list goes on. Migrants in the country can live in any number, but these immoral ones cannot. Therefore, in the fight against such monsters, any means are good. So far, the mentioned article only proposes to the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel the rights of the states to have special laws on the same list, but further – it is clear that there will be resistance, and rather tense one. And then what?

And we see on the example of our neighboring state Ukraine (adored by liberals of all countries) what happens then. By the time of its independence, Ukraine seems to have received an obvious reality: people with their own lifestyle live in its east and south. Yes, they speak Russian, and it’s not that this language is incomprehensible to Westerners, and not that it threatens them. Well, they would live in a different style and even according to different local laws. How did it get to the point that is being seriously revealed only now: to the hatred from the western part of the country, concentration camps, torture chambers and everything else?

There is such a question here, what is Nazism? For example, if a person does not decorate his sleeve with misunderstood esoteric eastern symbols of almost a century ago, can he be a Nazi or not? Is Nazism without anti-Semitism still Nazism or something else? If, for example, the object of hatred is people from your own state (or even from another) who speak the same language as you do in the United States, or a slightly different one, as in Ukraine? And it remains to cross that very fatal line, when former people, and now not very people, are gradually declared a threat to others, to the whole nation. Call it whatever you want, it will still look like Nazism.

Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA

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