Russian Embassy: the United States has no right to advise the CSTO on a mission in Kazakhstan

Washington has no reason to advise the CSTO peacekeeping contingent on how to restore order and observe human rights in Kazakhstan, the Russian Embassy in the United States said.

“Unlike the American servicemen who occupied the territories of Syria and Kosovo in Serbia, the CSTO peacekeeping contingent performs tasks to protect critical infrastructure in Kazakhstan at the request of its leadership. The press service of the State Department is unreasonably trying to advise how to restore order and respect human rights”, the message from the diplomatic service says on Twitter.

Earlier, the head of the press service of the US State Department, Ned Price, said that the White House calls on the CSTO peacekeeping contingent “to leave Kazakhstan at the first request of the country’s government and respect international human rights.”

The Russian embassy stressed that Washington deliberately forgets that as a result of repeated systematic US intervention in internal affairs “the foundations of stability and security in the post-Soviet space, in many countries in the Balkans and the Middle East, in Africa, Asia and Latin America have been undermined for a long time.”

As previously reported by News Front, the Russian Embassy in the United States stated that it did not understand the logic of the US State Department, which called for informing the White House what exercises and for what purpose are being conducted by Moscow on Russian territory.