Residents of Alma-Ata greeted peacekeepers from the Russian Federation with interest and gratitude

Kazakhstan greeted with gratitude and sympathy the Russian peacekeepers who arrived in the country as part of the CSTO mission to end the riots and riots.

Captain Denis Ivanov talked to reporters and told how local residents feel about the military from Russia. It is reported by Izvestia.

The officer who is involved in the protection of the Kazakhtelecom branch in Alma-Ata admitted that the population is showing interest in them. They ask to be photographed with them, but this cannot be done. In addition, the townspeople do not refuse to help the military. Usually these are requests of an everyday nature: wash your hands or give water.

Ivanov also added that Kazakhstanis are grateful to the Russian peacekeepers. The officer himself admitted that he was carrying out a mission without a country. He and his co-workers are prepared for such tasks and carry them out without much difficulty.