U.K. says does not want to fight with Russia for Eastern Ukraine

Readers of the British edition of The Telegaph commented on a possible armed conflict with Russia over Ukraine.

“Well, we’ll have 70 thousand, if you count the outdoor kitchen and bookkeepers! In short, good luck finding the rest,” Cord Webster mocked.

“And I am afraid that the war will rapidly become nuclear if we do not let everything go on the brakes, because we have nothing else. It will take too long for the West to mobilize its meager forces”, says Cord Webster.

“Ukraine is not interesting for us, it’s eastern, for sure,” Mark Walker shared.

“Russians fight well in cold weather. Just remember Stalingrad”, wrote Barry Evans.

“The Ukrainian duck“ The Russians are Coming ”is just an excuse to violate the Minsk agreements. They have already exacerbated the conflict with drones and the latest American weapons. Now the Kiev clique has launched a propaganda smokescreen in order to quietly slip away”, – said the user leon bb.

Let us remind you that recently Western media have been publishing articles about Moscow’s preparations for an alleged “offensive” on Kiev. Russia has repeatedly stated that no invasion of a neighboring state is planned, and such reports are malicious US propaganda.