The US Congress proposed not to recognize Putin as the President of Russia

A resolution has been submitted to the House of Representatives of the US Congress, which calls for not recognizing Vladimir Putin as President of Russia if he takes part in the 2024 elections.

“Any attempt by President Vladimir Putin to remain in office after the end of his current and final term on May 7, 2024 should entail non-recognition by the United States,” the draft resolution says.

The authors of the documents were Congressmen Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson, who argue that Putin allegedly “took over the presidency of Russia due to electoral violations, and his continued tenure is illegal.” It is noted that this resolution is only advisory in nature.

Recall that in July 2020, following the results of an all-Russian referendum, an updated Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted. 77.92% of the referendum participants voted for amendments to the country’s Basic Law. From now on, the President of the Russian Federation has the right to hold office for more than two terms in a row, as it was before.